723: Starting your new year with anxiety calming practices

This week on the Anxiety Slayer podcast we're talking about how having a regular anxiety calming practice can help you feel calm and present as you begin the New Year.



What do you want your 2025 story to be? Every January is an invitation to start fresh. Perhaps there’s a part of your life that you are looking to change. And while we’re not big on recommending resolutions, setting positive intentions and working with a therapist can be super helpful and you navigate the days ahead. BetterHelp is fully online, making therapy affordable and convenient, serving over 5 million people worldwide.

Write your story, with BetterHelp.

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Notes from this week’s episode:

Last week we spoke about how midwinter is a challenging time of year to make resolutions. With low light and low energy, many of us feel in need of support and inspiration.

This week, we’re talking about what helps us at this time of year, and about nurturing intentions and leaning in to where we want to be.

Why moving your body is so important

Winter means we need to walk more than ever! We need to move, and we need the light and fresh air to keep our spirits up.

Start a simple daily mindful walking practice

Start wherever you can. A street, a park, the beach. Short walks can be anywhere accessible to you, somewhere you can drive to quickly and easily, or just walk out of your door and start consciously putting one foot in front of the other

For longer walks you might choose a Sunday by the sea, or near a river, or in a forest. To allow extra time for immersion in nature.

Walk with awareness of your surroundings. Don't think about it too much, you certainly don't need to worry about whether you are doing it "right" or not. Just get coming and get curious about your ur surroundings. Look out for birds, listen to the sound of your feet connecting with the earth, or the street. Swing your arms, drop your shoulders, relax your jaw and fill your lungs with air.

If your anxiety is running high, try counting your steps with your breath for a while to engage your mind and draw it away from looping over anxious thoughts.

Try taking one deep breath in as you take four steps, and then exhaling slowly for six steps. And repeat.

Once you feel more settled you can start listening out for the sounds around you, look for patterns and colours. Explore the textures of trees, leaves, stones, anything that catches your eye.

Be curious. Be open and walk daily if you can, or at least three times a week, even if it's just for 10 minutes.

The power of practice

Start with daily acts of self-care and take one step at a time.

To think you are alone and nothing will work is a trick of your mind. It’s not your mind being your friend.

Little steps lead to peace

Value small steps and actions. Anxiety is a big issue but it is best handled with little steps.

Keep your mind on what you can do rather than letting thoughts of uncertainty oppress you.

Start taking action today to Slay your Anxiety one step and one day at a time.

For support with starting a daily calming practice, you can join our popular online course, Small Step to Big Change on our Patreon along with over 200 guided relaxations, Tapping Sessions and classes to help you slay your anxiety.

Anxiety Slayer